The Irony, is repeating the same largess developments that created our current economic trends to build and peacock as the pharaohs generating large scale facilities. We conclude that the large factories producing renewable energy solutions: 1) Integrate energy efficient conversions that reduces energy usage but, moreover, produces an efficient intelligence that is integrated in total system, processes and technology; and, 2) Model sustainable solutions and new standards that adapt new cognitive, service and product platforms.
August 2, 2010- Well, the environmentally minded will tell you that we need to break our addiction to fossil fuels, and that includes a move to clean energy sources, like wind and .... solar. Enbridge's involvement with the Sarnia project goes to show that there's an alternative to oil. Jeff Kart, Bay City Michigan In announcing the venture late last year, Enbridge officials pegged the expansion cost at $300 million (Canadian)."
The Irony, is repeating the same largess developments that created our current economic trends to build and peacock as the pharaohs generating large scale facilities. We conclude that the large factories producing renewable energy solutions: 1) Integrate energy efficient conversions that reduces energy usage but, moreover, produces an efficient intelligence that is integrated in total system, processes and technology; and, 2) Model sustainable solutions and new standards that adapt new cognitive, service and product platforms.
July 27, 2010-Monitoring has been a preventive solution to overt tragedy and drive quality control. The global business community is experiencing economic challenges generating a chain reaction that mandates cost reductions, employee layoffs, and technological backups. Sustainable solutions suggest that with every layoff we loose organizational intelligence and become more dependent on technology. The outcome of such changes is the breakdowns in systems that inevitably cause losses, workarounds, poor quality and over stressing the organization financially and in production. Monitoring of systems in real time with dedicated professionals can reduce organizational breakdowns to drive quality and prevent loss. We suggest that this is the best time for a sustainable overhaul of organizations. Organizations that are employing strategic planning, intelligence gap analysis, organizational assessment, technology integration and resource utilization can prevent the incidents that have befallen many companies such as, BP, Dell, Apple and more... See LANDGET for assistance in sustainable engineering. Hear our Podcast:
Wind farms are they the new alternative energy source? Yes, wind can be a solution for energy usage. Wind is currently 7% of the overall utility output. "New Grid May be Needed, But So is Smarter Use" by Richard Harris. "Power companies are planning to beef up the nation's electricity transmission grid. At the same time, conservationists are trying to reduce the vast amount of power wasted in Americans' homes and offices. That raises a question: If we simply used energy more efficiently, would we need to spend billions of dollars on a new grid?" (Richard Harris) LAND sees the need for beefing up the grid; moreover, utilities and municipalities are encouraged to increase alternative energy solutions that are in alignment with the electrical grid. Too often we focus on one grand solution, discounting BIG Picture Thinking solutions. The grid is in need of repair as it has been for 20 years plus. Now is the time to cross generate solutions for a bright economic and sustainable future. We can "Wind" with Electrical Solutions!
June 29, 2010 -- Land, a Louisville-based engineering services firm,
recognizes the need to teach young people about entrepreneurship. Land has established the first Youth Entrepreneurship Institute for young adults 12 to 17. The program serves high school students in the Kentucky-Indiana region. The objective is to provide a three year program with training and internships related to entrepreneurial skills. LAND established this program in collaboration with the Kentucky Black MBA and The Canaan Community Development Corporation. For more information, email [email protected]. LAND presented the power of "Partnering in Social Networks. See on Writings page at
LAND was highlighted by US Chamber of Commerce on February 2, 2010. See introduction page: Feature Article:
Dr. Tyra Oldham announced on November 28, 2009, that she has accepted a position on the Seed2020 steering committee. For more information, visit, the sponsor of the event. ![]() Green is the new word, akin to "paradigm shift" and "re-engineering". The new words require systems of change to institute processes, systems and management. Green is more than a word it is vision, mission and charge for a new way.